The Orthodox Lineage of the Southern School

Shanghai Shuhua上海书画, 2011. Item #45783
ISBN: 9787547902691

 In the mid-seventeenth century, the Emperor Shunzhi of the Manchu dynasty led troops to enter and replaced the Zhu Ming Dynasty. Chinese society has once again experienced a historic revolution. After entering the Qing Dynasty, Wang Shimin, who was born in the official family, did not think of being an official. She lived in the village, reveling in the creative world of "poetry, books, and paintings." The four main Nanzong orthodox schools. They followed the painterly thought of "the painter takes the ancients as the teacher" and developed a painting style with the aim of antiquity and antique. Wang Shimin was particularly enthusiastic about Yuan Huanggongwang. His painting style pushed the development of literati landscape painting to another new peak. In the early Qing Dynasty, Wang Shimin was hailed as the "leader of the painting world". After the mid-Kangxi dynasty, the Qing government's power was gradually consolidated. The Manchu dynasty regarded Confucian Cheng Zhuxue as the foundation of governing the country since the Song and Ming dynasties, and the ancient painting styles that maintained traditional culture led by Wang Shimin and Wang Jian gradually became "authentic landscapes.

  十七世紀中葉,滿清順治皇帝率兵入關取代了朱明王朝。中國社會又一次經歷了天崩地裂的歷史性鼎革。入清后出身于官宦世家的王時敏便不思為官,隱居鄉里,陶醉于“詩、書、畫”的創作世界,并和同里王鑒共同傳承了董其昌所推崇的以董源、巨然和元四家為主的南宗正統。他們遵循“畫家以古人為師”的畫學思想,開辟了以摹古、仿古為宗旨的繪畫風格。王時敏尤其傾心于元黃公望,他的繪畫風氣將文人山水畫的發展推向了又一個新的高峰,清初王時敏被譽為“畫壇領袖”。 康熙王朝中期以后,清政府的政權逐漸得到了鞏固。滿清王朝將宋明以來的儒家程朱理學視為治國之本,以王時敏、王鑒等為首的維系傳統文化的摹古畫風也漸漸成了“山水正宗”。.

Price: $120.00